Images are the foundation of our visual storytelling. As such, we should take care in the selection, usage, and styling of our images across our digital presence.

Aside images
When used as an aside, Georgia Tech visual standards recommend having the image borders curve in from the opposite corners. In this situation, the top-left and bottom-left borders are both curved to accomplish the intended effect.
Right Side
Right aligned images would need to have right-configured rounded corners.
Long had the terror of the Dead lain upon that hill and upon the empty fields about it. For upon the top stood a black stone, round as a great globe, the height of a man, though its half was buried in the ground. Unearthly it looked, as though it had fallen from the sky, as some believed; but those who remembered still the lore of Westernesse told that it had been brought out of the ruin of Númenor and there set by Isildur at his landing. None of the people of the valley dared to approach it, nor would they dwell near; for they said that it was a trysting-place of the Shadow-men, and there they would gather in times of fear, thronging round the Stone and whispering.
To that Stone the Company came and halted in the dead of night. Then Elrohir gave to Aragorn a silver horn, and he blew upon it and it seemed to those that stood near that they heard a sound of answering horns, as if it was an echo in deep caves far away. No other sound they heard, and yet they were aware of a great host gathered all about the hill on which they stood; and a chill wind like the breath of ghosts came down from the mountains. But Aragorn dismounted, and standing by the Stone he cried in a great voice:

If placing some meaningful text under an image, consider adding rounded corners to the top to focus readers to the accompanying text.
They passed Tarlang’s Neck and came into Lamedon; and the Shadow Host pressed behind and fear went on before them, until they came to Calembel upon Ciril, and the sun went down like blood behind Pinnath Gelin away in the West behind them. The township and the fords of Ciril they found deserted, for many men had gone away to war, and all that were left fled to the hills at the rumour of the coming of the King of the Dead. But the next day there came no dawn, and the Grey Company passed on into the darkness of the Storm of Mordor and were lost to mortal sight; but the Dead followed them.
Paired Images
Examples below demonstrate best-practices for pairing image groups in side-by-side configurations.

Creative Options
You can be creative with the "Reset Margins/Padding" with photo blocks to bring them together in a collage-like format.

Diamond Eyes
Time will see us realign, diamonds reign across the sky.
Using opposite corners in featured images give diamond like appearances, which can be valuable for highlighting images of note.

This image pairs top-left and bottom-right.
Full Feature Borders