Thursday, February 15, 2024 12:00PM

The Georgia Tech Library will virtually host acclaimed author Wendy H. Wong for a thought-provoking book talk centered around her seminal work, We, the Data as the keynote lecture for Love Data Week 2024 Thursday, Feb. 15 from noon to 1 p.m.

All Georgia Tech students, staff, faculty, and community members are invited to attend. To register, visit

Wong’s We, the Data is a rallying call for extending human rights beyond our physical selves — and why we need to reboot rights in our data-intensive world. Exploring the pervasiveness of data collection and tracking, Wong reminds us that we are all stakeholders in this digital world, who are currently being left out of the most pressing conversations around technology, ethics, and policy.

By exploring data rights, facial recognition technology, our posthumous rights, and our need for a right to data literacy, Wong has crafted a compelling case for engaging as stakeholders to hold data collectors accountable.

This event is part of Love Data Week 2024. This year’s theme, “My Kind of Data,” aims to highlight the personal aspects of data and its impact on our world.


About Wendy H. Wong

Wendy H. Wong is Professor of Political Science and Principal's Research Chair at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan. She is the author of two award-winning books: Internal Affairs: How the Structure of NGOs Transforms Human Rights and (with Sarah S. Stroup) The Authority Trap: Strategic Choices of International NGOs.


About Love Data Week

Established in 2016, Love Data Week is an international event in which a wide range of institutions, organizations, scholars, students, and other data lovers celebrate their data.

Organizers aim to promote good research data management strategies, share data success and horror stories, and ask hard questions about the role of data in our lives.

As part of the festivities, universities, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, corporations and individuals are encouraged to host and participate in data-related events and activities. 

To learn more, visit the Love Data Week website.