Thursday, January 18, 2024 12:30PM

Join the Georgia Tech Library and Interdisciplinary Media Arts Center (IMA) Thursday, Jan. 18 from 12:30 to 2 p.m. for the first “Bubbling Up” faculty mixer of 2024. The topic is “Media Arts.”

This event will be held in Price Gilbert Memorial Library’s fourth floor Faculty Research Zone. To RSVP for an accurate count for food and beverages, please click here.

This “Bubbling Up” faculty mixer is part of Media Arts Day 2024, a slate of public events in the Library showcasing the ways Georgia Tech explores the intersection of arts and technology in the classroom, in research and in creative expression.

Media Art can be defined broadly as any form of creative expression — for example in the visual, literary, or performing arts — that requires or incorporates technology to be realized.

All faculty and post-docs who research, teach, or are interested in Media Art are welcome to make low pressure, conversational connections around campus. Faculty and staff of the IMA, including Charlie Bennett, Jillann Hertel, Yanni Loukissas, Catherine Manci, Kimberly Sheldon, Anne Sullivan, Alison Valk, and Jason Wright, will join the Library in hosting this event.

The "Bubbling Up" faculty mixer series is co-sponsored by the offices of the Provost, Executive Vice President for Research, and Vice Provost for Faculty.


About Media Arts Day

Co-sponsored by the Georgia Tech Library and the IMA, Media Arts Day is a celebration of new ways of learning and creating knowledge born from the intersection of arts and technology.

It marries the Library’s reputation as a space for experimentation, connection, and communication with the School of Literature, Media and Communication’s work defining new models of intellectual inquiry and practice.

To learn more about Media Arts Day 2024, click here.