Tuesday, September 06, 2022 11:00AM

The Fulton County Public Library System will hold a library card drive Tuesday, Sept. 6 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the Grove Level of Price Gilbert Memorial Library by the INFODesk. Simply bring your BuzzCard to get your free public library card right on the spot.

You can also pre-sign up for a library card online. 

Simply go to this link before Sept. 1 and request your card virtually. 

To have your card sent to the Georgia Tech Library for pickup, type GATECH in the phone number field.

Cards can be picked up at the INFODesk in Price Gilbert Library (Grove Level) between Sept. 6 and Oct. 1.

Your public library card gives you access to free:

  • Streaming movies, music and audiobooks
  • Tutors and test prep
  • eBooks, magazines and newspapers
  • Meeting rooms at 34 locations across the city
  • Zoo, museum and park passes
  • and much, much more!